Welcome to the Crownstone Event server!

So what is this? Well, there are a lot of things happening with your Crownstones!

Using the event server, you can be the first to know about anything that changes. So why is this useful? Well, you can use any platform that understands Server Sent Events to tune into your sphere!

All you need is your access token, which you can find here. Just log in and copy that token!

Who should use this?

These events are meant to be used by Crownstone services, developers and hobbyists. You can use this to trigger your own home automation on certain Crownstone events. If you do not enjoy programming, this isn't for you :).

I'm a developer, how do I use this?

There is example code and libraries to handle Server Sent Events for most languages. Just listen for SSE's on:


Just replace $token at the end there with your access token!

We also made some libs of our own to help you out!

A few examples are nodejs, Python or just cURL in your favorite terminal!

curl --no-buffer --http2 -H 'Accept:text/event-stream' 'https://events.crownstone.rocks/sse?accessToken=$token' 

What sort of events do I get?

- Remote switches, caused by invocation of:

- Changes in presence, caused by change in location. Keep in mind that the events are fired on change, not on every update!

- Changes in data of Spheres, Crownstones, Locations and Sphere Users. This does not include changes in power usage or switchstate.

More is available here: on this repo!

Live Example

Your access token: